March 4, 2013 | Congratulations to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) student pharmacists! They won the prestigious national champion award of APhA-ASP Chapter of the year. This is the fourth time the College has received the award since it was started in 2000. This award was for work done during 2011-12 under the leadership of Allison Hollis (P4). Dr. Eddie Dunn and Dr. Melanie Claborn are the ASP advisors. Dr. Charles Born also served as an advisor during this year. Andy Roller (P3) is the current APhA-ASP president. In addition, students also won the National Patient Care Award-Operation Heart, as well as Region 6 awards for Operation Diabetes and Operation Heartburn. The APhA 2013 Conference was held March 1-4, 2013 in Los Angeles, CA.

Brandi Hamilton (P3) was installed as national president of the APhA-ASP and Dr. Nicki Hilliard was installed as president of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA)-Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management, both for 2013-14.
Other honors included Bri Morris (P4), who is national project coordinator for the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF), Kevin Barton (P4), who served on the standing committee for communications, and Amy Hilliard (P2) who serves as the Region 6 representative on the National New Business Review Committee. In addition, Brooks Tune (P2) represented UAMS in the National Patient Counseling Competition, Bobby Glaze (P3) was awarded the National Association of Nuclear Pharmacies scholarship and Amanda Stolarz (P4) received the 2013 Rho Chi American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education First Year Graduate Fellowship.